Throughout his letter to the Romans, Paul is discussing spiritual growth, sanctification, and how to serve God. In Romans 6:14 and Romans 7:6, he describes two different ways we can approach this: under the law/in the oldness of the letter vs. under grace/in the newness of the Spirit.
Serving God under the law means trying to serve God by your own power. What could make more sense than to focus on God's commandments and try as hard as you can to keep them? But as Paul shares from his own attempt to serve God in this way, it leads to failure. Despite his best intentions, he experienced the defeat he described in Romans 7:21-23. He learned what many of us have learned — that through this method, there is no hope for improvement.
But there is another way. Read Romans 7:24-25a. You can take the counterintuitive approach — look outside your own resources to Jesus Christ to set you free from this bondage. This is serving God under grace/in the newness of the Spirit. In chapter 8, he describes some very different results (see Romans 8:1-8):
Read Romans 8:2. Although the "law of sin and death" is more powerful than our moral will-power, the "law of the Spirit of life" is more powerful than the "law of sin and death." It has the power to liberate us.
Read Romans 8:4. Although serving God by our own power only results in increased, or at least increased awareness of, violations of God's moral Law, God's Spirit will gradually fulfill the requirement of God's Law in us — loving God and loving people.
Read Romans 8:6. Although serving God by our own power only results in failure and defeat death— serving by God's Spirit results in life and peace.
Who would not want this? It is made available for any who desire it. The key, according to Paul, is to "walk according to/by the Spirit." There are three elements to walking by the Spirit; let us focus on the first.
What does it mean to walk by the Spirit?
Many think this is primarily a subjective experience — trying to sense intuitively God's presence and guidance. Now, there is a subjective dimension involved in walking by the Spirit; but this is not what Paul focuses on here.
Others think this is primarily about behavioral change. Now, walking according to the Spirit will produce behavioral change. But if we equate walking by the Spirit with behavioral change, we are back to serving God under the law.
Re-read Romans 8:5-7. According to Paul, the primary element in walking according to the Spirit is "setting our minds on the things of the Spirit." To set your mind on something involves rational reflection, what you think about and the perspective from which you view the different facets of your life.
Spiritual growth begins not with our behavior, what we do, or with our experiences, what we feel, but with our minds, how we think. That is why he says Romans 12:2 — behavioral and experiential transformation flow from mental renewal.
As we learn to set our minds on what God wants them set on, the power of the Holy Spirit is unleashed to gradually transform our characters and behavior ("the requirement of the law fulfilled…life") and also grants us an increasing experience of God's peace.
What are the "things of the Spirit?" Some Christian preachers say the "things of the Spirit" refer to messages given to us through heavenly voices or visions or dreams; but this is not what Paul means.
Read 1 Corinthians 2:12-13. The "things of the Spirit" are the truths concerning what God has freely given us through Christ — truths which have been revealed through the apostles and recorded in their writings. In other words, the "things of the Spirit" refer primarily to the New Testament teaching on God's grace. That is why Paul calls this serving God "under grace" (Romans 6:14). "Setting your mind on the things of the Spirit" is choosing to look at every major area of your life in the light of God's grace. The more we learn about what Christ has given us, and the more we consciously view every area of our lives from this perspective, the more God's Spirit will transform our lives.
Paul contrasts this mindset to a mindset on the "things of the flesh." This refers to the perspective we adopt on things apart from and contradictory to God's revealed grace. This is our mental "default setting", which is why we must choose to "set our minds on" God's perspective.
This is why we emphasize biblical content, and especially what it teaches about God's grace: going to Bible studies, taking courses, discussing scripture with one another, evaluating your thought-life and the messages coming at you from the world in light of what God says. And this is why we emphasize the New Testament more than the Old Testament — because it teaches God's grace more clearly and fully.
Let's get practical and think about some of the major areas of our spiritual lives, and contrast what it looks like to think about them "according to flesh" versus "according to the Spirit."
Your relationship with God: how you view God and how you think God views you are the most foundational and important spiritual things we can think about.
It is inevitable and proper that we think about our circumstances, such as where we work, our state of health, our finances, our family lives, and so on. And because we live in a fallen world, sometimes these things are quite painful and negative.
Most of us think a lot about the other people in our lives — lovers or spouses especially, children, parents, friends, and work associates.
Before you can walk by the Spirit, you must be indwelt by the Spirit.
Read Romans 8:9. Notice that not everybody is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but only those who belong to Christ. This is what Jesus Himself said in John 7:37-38 . We are not born with God's Spirit; rather, we receive Him when we admit our spiritual thirst and personally believe in and receive Jesus.
So before you can grow spiritually, you must be born spiritually. Just as a human being cannot grow to maturity until it is born, we too cannot grow and mature spiritually in our relationship with God until we are born spiritually by establishing a relationship with Christ and receiving His Spirit.
Am I saying that you cannot experience anything genuinely spiritual before you receive Christ? No! We normally experience a process of spiritual awakening such as the "thirst" that Jesus mentions by gradually becoming aware of our need for God and of Christ's offer, and we experience a process of growth into spiritual maturity. But the point that connects these two processes is our decision to receive Christ. Some of you are at the end of the first process, and are interested in the second process, but you need to take the step that lies between them.